This blog contains various links to and information about individuals, organizations and groups who have taken an active role in donating their time, money, goods and support to the typhoon Ondoy/Ketsana victims in the Philippines. We hope that this website will serve as a guide to donors and connect various Filipino communities in the Pacific Northwest towards relief efforts in our motherland.

We encourage everyone to step up and help in organizing and donating the very much needed help for those whose lives have been gravely affected by Ondoy.

To be added to the email brigade, announce local fundraising efforts or announcements, or
To add your organization or website to the links page, click here

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Typhoon Alert

(photo taken from

According to this online news article, another typhoon named Parma is said to be on its way to hit the Philippines again as early as Friday. It is a dangerous threat to the nation that is just recovering from Typhoon Katsana, more commonly known as Ondoy, as it is said to be an equivalent at least to a Category 3 hurricane.

To read more, kindly click on the link above.

If your relatives back at home have not been informed about this and are in contact with them, I suggest keeping them informed about this as well.


Please note that the company we are in touch with to send balikbayan boxes for free has not yet confirmed and communicated that they have approved our donation application just yet. We are waiting to hear word (that will take about 2 weeks minimum) from their corporate office as to what the decision is. I apologize for the misinformation being passed around at the moment with regards to the free balikbayan boxes. HOPEFULLY, this application can be put into action SOON.

I would greatly advise for you to donate online to various foundations that are tax deductible such as the Ayala Foundation.

We will be sending an email brigade with a concise list hopefully within 24 hours to inform everyone how we all can help.

Please email me at if you have any other questions or concerns.

Thank you for showing your love and support to our country! God bless!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lighting a Candle in a Dark Room: Reflections from Last Night

Fr. Tony Ong celebrated mass at the Holy Trinity Chapel in Beaverton, OR last night at 7:30pm to gather the Filipino community in prayer and love for the victims of the recent Typhoon Ondoy that has devastated various cities in the Philippines. There was an estimate of 49 attendees who came and shared their sorrows upon the unexpected loss of their family members' livelihood and homes.

Despite having deep worries and concerns about loved ones affected by the disaster, the group also expressed hope and steadfast faith in the Lord as God will help us get through this unfortunate incident and provide strength and love in this difficult time. Mass goers at Holy Trinity Chapel last night was able to raise over $1,100 and chose to donate this amount to Ayala Foundation as the vehicle for cash donations.

Thank you to Fr. Tony for spiritually leading the group and allowing us to share our inmost thoughts and concerns about our loved ones back at home. Thank you also to Franz and Monette Mallari for organizing the mass and calling everyone to gather in prayer. Thank you to those who shared their thoughts and personal information about their loved ones back at home who were affected by typhoon Ondoy. Thank you to everyone who attended and donated what they could at the mass.

Although the disaster is devastating and heartbreaking, we should be reminded that we are not alone in our sufferings. As we share our happiness with God, we also share our sufferings with the Lord. We are not alone in our hurts, frustrations and fears. We gather as one community to help others in every possible way that we can by donating money, goods, time and support. Our strength lies in our love for our God, our country and each other. We need to show that love is present in our lives especially in times like this. We need to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this and that, by helping each other, we are manifesting God's love to those in need.

Calling Filipinos in Portland!


We are now in the process of disseminating information about various ways you can help the Typhoon Ondoy victims in the Philippines from Portland, OR. Please continue to check this website for updates and pray that our plans may be put into action in the next few days!

If you are interested in donating time, money or goods, kindly email me at


Monday, September 28, 2009

List of International Donations

Here is a list of people, places and organizations accepting donations abroad compiled by civilians everywhere.

Most are for cash, but some are in kind too! If you know people in other countries, please reply to this post and I'll update it! Keep up the bayanihan spirit! Mabuhay! <3

A Help Guide to Ondoy

Portland-based Medical Teams International helping Typhoon Victims

Taken from this link

Medical Teams International Helps Filipino Typhoon Survivors

[PORTLAND, Ore. - Sept. 28, 2009] — More than 500,000 people are homeless and at least 141 people are confirmed dead since Typhoon Ketsana roared across the Philippines this past weekend.
Medical Teams International is now accepting cash contributions to help. “We have medicines on the way to the scene and are in touch with two of our Global Relief Alliance partners who are responding in the field.
“We know we will be sending help, we just do not know yet if our teams are needed,” said Tammy Teske, Medical Teams International's manager of emergency relief.
Deadly rains left residents scrambling for survival Friday and Saturday as 20 foot-walls of water covered their homes. Families were stranded on roofs for 24 hours.
One partner asked: “Please pray that the children will not get sick ….pray that the weather will improve. Pray that the families will keep their hope. There are families who entirely lost their belongings because of the flooding.”
To make an immediate, secure gift:
Since 1979, Medical Teams International has shipped more than 1.2 billion in antibiotics, surgical kits and lifesaving medicines to care for 35 million people in 100 countries around the world. More than 2000 volunteers meet the needs of people worldwide each year.

Author: Marlene Minor

To make an immediate, secure gift:

Oregon Relief Operations/Donations for Typhoon Ondoy Victims

As most of you might know, Filipinos abroad are currently raising awareness and finding out ways to be able to be part of the relief operations back at home through organizing various fundraisers and alliances among organizations nationwide.

A number of us Filipinos in Oregon are in the process of organizing ourselves to find ways to donate to those affected by typhoon Ondoy. I will keep everyone posted about this but for now, I think what's important right is to be able to inform everyone in Oregon HOW we could help.

If you live in the Oregon/Vancouver area and you would wish to participate in staying in touch and help disseminate information to those who might need it, please email me at You may also message me on facebook/twitter.

You may also individually send in-kind donations. Instructions may be found in this link

I would greatly appreciate if those in the area could share this message with others who would like to help out in any way. You may message me via email, facebook or twitter so I can give you my address if you would like to add items to donate.